homesellers guide

More and more homebuyers are becoming more particular with every detail of the home they are going to buy. Because of this, the pressure for home sellers to ensure that the home is perfect and ready for inspection is as high as ever. This homesellers guide will help you prepare and pass home inspection like a pro.

What Will be Inspected In Your Home?

During a home inspection, there are common physical issues that come under scrutiny. As much as possible, you should be able to identify these physical issues in the home as early as possible. So what will a home inspector inspect in your home?

Basement. The home inspector will check if the basement is secure and free from leaks and mildew. The inspector will most likely check for signs of leak and mildew problems by inspecting the walls. Particularly, he will look for powdery white mineral deposit on the walls. This is a telltale sign of mildew problem.

Plumbing. Are there any issues of leaking or clogging in your home? These are signs of a defective and poor plumbing. It is easy to detect leaking or clogging. The home inspector will visually inspect faucets and pipes. The inspector will also check the water pressure. For instance, he will do this by turning on the faucet on the highest part of the home to see if the water runs good from there.

The inspector will also heck if the pipes are undersized or rusty. How does the inspector check if the pipes are undersized? He will try to listen if he can hear the sound of running water. If he can, then the pipes are undersized. How about the rusty pipes? How are they checked? The inspector will check if the water runs dirty during its first flow.

Electrical. The home inspector will check if there are any inadequate circuits. He will also check if the home is safe and free from any fire hazard. A good electrical set up means that your home should be set up with 100 amps service minimum. The home inspector will also check the wiring. It is advisable that wires used are copper or aluminum.

Roofing. The home inspector will be checking the roof for any roofing problems. Roofing issues are inevitable especially if your home is already old. Physical deterioration of the roof comes with the aging of the home. The inspector will check for physical deterioration and other mechanical damage on the roof.

A Homesellers Guide On Inspection

These are the four common physical aspects of the home that the home inspector will be looking at. Going through a homesellers guide like this will give you an idea on what you need to prepare for home inspection. If you are planning to put your home on the market for sale, it pays off to be prepared to ensure your home pass the inspection.